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For the safety of our employees and clients, SCLO follows the Albuquerque Public School’s closure schedule for snow days.
Please go to your local TV and radio news channels to get the latest update on school closures.
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Many people received their stimulus payment on a prepaid card – but since the envelope did not identify it and there was limited information provided – some people did not activate the card or threw the envelope away. This was because it looked like a credit or prepaid card application that you did not apply […]
Please go to the following National Consumer Law Center’s link: Issue-Brief-Money-Network-EIP-Cards
Dr. Nancy Guinn and Joan McIver Gibson discuss common questions regarding CPR, DNR and emergency contact information.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ LAW OFFICE GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN PROJECT 505.265.2300 SCLO recently received a grant to provide a full range of legal services to grandparents and other relatives aged 60 and older who reside in Central New Mexico (home to almost 40% of the State’s population) and who are raising family members under the age […]
NOTE: REAL ID REQUIREMENTS BEGIN OCTOBER 1 Starting October 1, 2020, only state-issued driver’s licenses that comply with the federal REAL ID Act will be accepted for certain federal government purposes. For most people, the biggest effects will be boarding a commercial flight, and entering a restricted area at a federally-owned facility. SCLO will […]
SCLO staff Attorney Cristobal Munoz provides an overview of New Mexico’s Durable Power-of-Attorney for Health Care law.
SCLO staff attorney Brwyn Downing describes end-of-life decisions authorized by New Mexico’s Durable Power-of-Attorney for Health Care law and interviews Dr. Nancy Guinn about medical implications of specific end-of-life choices.
Free Legal Services for Qualifying Seniors in Foreclosure Qualifying Service Factors: 1. You must be 60 years of age or older. 2. You must be residing in the home that is in foreclosure. 3. You must have been served with foreclosure papers. 4. Your household income must be no more than 200% of the federal […]
Albuquerque Housing Authority is accepting pre-applications on line only at for disability accessible public housing apartments. Pre-applications must be submitted by November 30, 2017. (This is not a wait list for Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers). Walk-ins will not be accepted. More information at