For the safety of our employees and clients, SCLO follows the Albuquerque Public School’s closure schedule for snow days.
Please go to your local TV and radio news channels to get the latest update on school closures.

Other Ways to Give

With your help we can provide seniors and their families with the information they need to live healthier, happier, and more independent lives.

Help us champion the dignity and rights of our community’s seniors by supporting the delivery of free legal services to those in need.

Every gift makes a difference. Thank you.

Ways to Give

  • United Way. Senior Citizens’ Law Office is grateful to receive designations through United Way of Central New Mexico. These gifts have a positive impact on the lives of seniors and in our community year-round.
  • Albuquerque Community Foundation. We have established an endowment through the Albuquerque Community Foundation to help ensure our services are available to seniors for many years to come.  To make a donation to the endowment, please contact SCLO’s Executive Director, Brwyn Downing, at 505-265-2300 for more information or to schedule a meeting.
  • We are fortunate to receive gifts from Federal civilian, military and postal employees through the Central & Northern New Mexico Combined Federal Campaign. We extend sincere thanks to this devoted group of individuals who enthusiastically support our work. Senior Citizens’ Law Office CFC No. is #79558.
  • Bequests. By leaving a bequest to SCLO in your will, you can support our work for years to come.  Please contact SCLO’s Executive Director, Brwyn Downing, at 505-265-2300 for more information or to schedule a meeting.
  • Honorary/Memorial Donations. Honor and remember friends and loved ones by making a donation in their name.  If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation to Senior Citizens’ Law Office, Inc. in honor of or in memory of a friend or loved one, please contact SCLO’s Executive Director, Brwyn Downing, at 505-265-2300 for more information or to schedule a meeting.
  • Designated Gifts. If you would like to support a specific issue or one of our core program areas, SCLO can establish a special fund in your name designated for the area of your choice.   Please contact SCLO’s Executive Director, Brwyn Downing, at 505-265-2300 for more information or to schedule a meeting..
  • Mail a Donation. If you would like to send your donation by check, please mail it to: SCLO Donations / 1240 Pennsylvania Street NE, Suite A / Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110.

Thank you for your support!