For the safety of our employees and clients, SCLO follows the Albuquerque Public School’s closure schedule for snow days.
Please go to your local TV and radio news channels to get the latest update on school closures.

Court and Government Offices

Access to most courts:
Specific Courts:
  • New Mexico Court of Appeals
County Offices:
  • Bernalillo County Clerk’s Office
  • Phone:              (505) 468-1290
  • Fax 1:               (505) 468-1293 (Bureau of Elections)
  • Fax 2:               (505) 468-1294 (Recording and Filing)
Government Offices:
  • Bureau of Vital Records
  • Phone Numbers:
  • Voice                (505) 827-0121
  • Toll Free           (866) 534-0051