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SCLO to conduct a free General Legal Clinic at the Meadowlark Senior Center on May 18, 2023
Please join SCLO at the
Meadowlark Senior Center
on Thursday, May 18, 2023
from 12:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
for a general one-on-one legal clinic
An SCLO attorney will meet briefly and privately with seniors 60+ to answer legal questions. Please sign up with Meadowlark Senior Center front desk in advance since appointments are limited.
Due to SCLO funding requirements, this legal clinic can only assist low to moderately low income seniors (below $2,430 for a single person and below $3,287 for a couple).
(SCLO does not handle the following issues: criminal, family law, car accidents, neighbor disputes, grandparent visitation.)
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